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LAURELHURST - School Supplies 23/24
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Recommended contribution per student: $45. 

Please consider an additional donation to support all students. 

School supplies! Your contribution will support the purchase of items that are shared among students, such as paper, pencils, crayons, highlighters and sharpies, colored pencils and markers, folders, notebooks, etc. 

Families will still need to supply their students with: 

- Reusable water bottle 

- Lunch box or snack sack 

- Sturdy backpack 

- Pencil pouch or box (depending on teacher)

- Briefcase-style multi-subject binder (MS only) 

Payment to: Laurelhurst K8 School
Item Amount: $____
+ Additional Fees:
Convenience Fee $0.00
Item Total $____


The minimum amount is $1.00.